Arco Academy

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Parents and Carers

At Arco Academy, we value the partnership between home and school and are committed to working together to support your child’s educational journey. Here, you’ll find key information to help you stay informed and engaged with your child’s experience at Arco

If your child is currently attending Arco, please visit our parent portal for easy access to useful links

Our Mission for Your Child

Our aim is to empower each student to become the best version of themselves. We are dedicated to helping every student achieve their potential through a tailored educational programme and supportive environment.

Term Times and School Day

Term Times: Click here to view term times
Events: Click here for school events
School Day: Find out more about the school day

Working Together

We believe that clear and open communication is crucial to supporting your child. We will keep you updated on your child’s progress and will contact you promptly if there are any concerns regarding behaviour, attendance, or performance.
For any discussions or concerns about your child, please reach out to us:
Phone: 02031891193 or 07570011173

Quick Access: Register for the Parent Hub portal to unlock opportunities for quick access to important information and updates about your child’s education.

School Home Support Practitioner

Our dedicated School Home Support Practitioner acts as a crucial link between home and school. They work to ensure consistency for your child by triangulating the efforts of professionals, addressing your child’s needs, and coordinating with the school. They are here to support you throughout your child's time at Arco, offering guidance and assistance to ensure a smooth and effective educational experience.

The School Day

Start Time: Registration begins at 8:50 a.m/ 9:30am for Girls Group
Daily Routine: Please ensure your child arrives at least 5 minutes early. Detailed routines are available in the Rules and Regulations document within the Induction Pack


We rely on your support to ensure your child attends school regularly and punctually. Please avoid booking holidays during term-time as this can impact your child’s learning and is discouraged.

Your Child’s Education

We provide a tailored programme of study based on each student's needs to help them achieve the best results. Progress reports are issued every half term to keep you informed of your child's academic performance.

What We Expect from Your Child

We expect high standards, personal responsibility, and professionalism from all students. Respect for others and the environment is key to our values. For detailed expectations, please refer to our Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code Policy.

Sports Participation

Participation in PE and sports is a fundamental part of your child’s personal development. Our programmes aim to improve educational performance and develop life skills such as goal setting, teamwork, and resilience. We encourage all students to try their best and enjoy their sports activities.

Parental Engagement

We believe in fostering a strong school community and offer frequent parental workshops and coffee mornings. These events are designed to provide you with valuable insights into your child's education and development, and to offer a platform for open dialogue between parents and school staff. Keep an eye on our Events Calendar for upcoming dates and details.

Please head over to the parent portal to sign the Home-School-Child agreement 


How We Operate at Arco Academy

Our policies guide our operations and ensure a consistent approach across the school. For details on our key policies, please click here. If you have questions about any aspects of our operation, please contact us.

We Want to Hear from You

Your feedback is valuable to us. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child's experience at Arco Academy, please get in touch:
Phone: 02031891193
For complaints, please see our Complaints Procedure.

If You Have Any Concerns

Arco Academy is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment. You can read our Safeguarding Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy for more information.
If you have concerns about how your child is being treated, contact us immediately:

Phone: 02031891193 or 07570011173
For out-of-hours support, contact NSPCC at 08088005000.

If your child is currently attending Arco, please visit our parent portal for easy access to useful links.

Thank you for your support and partnership. We look forward to working together to provide the best possible experience for your child at Arco Academy.

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